Region Specific Extraction (RSE)

Used for:
- Disease Association Studies
- Drug Research and Development
- Potential NGS-based Diagnostics

RSE Region Specific Extraction Kit
Resolution of genomic duplications:
RSE is used to enrich specific gene regions in order to resolve sequencing and genotyping difficulties that can be caused by genomic duplications, pseudo-genes, and gene homologues.
Reduction of complexity for resequencing:
Capture primers are designed for any locus of interest provided there is at least one unique site within the locus of interest in the samples that you wish to extract. Each extraction provides a distribution of fragments centered around the extraction point and includes sizes of ~40kb (~20kb upstream or downstream of the extraction site) depending in part of the DNA quality and the method by which it has been prepared.
- Selectively isolates pathways and candidate regions of the genome
- Discovers de-novo sequence, indels, break points, and structural variants
- Permits efficient iterative “walking” even through difficult regions
- Allows sequencing of cloning vectors